Is AI a gift of existence?
Is AI the next step in human evolution or a tool for our destruction?
Is Artificial Intelligence a valid extension of human intelligence, or is it entirely new?
We fear AI will make us sluggish, reducing our ability to use our potential or making us humanoid.
AI has unlocked possibilities, freeing the human mind from storing trivial historical knowledge, from Greek mythology or Egyptian mummies to the meaning of psychology.
Knowledge creates bias. AI provides the tools to pull us towards the self by removing the baggage of knowledge. This helps humans to conserve energy and channel it to experience life in multiple dimensions.
Knowledge is acquired, whereas intelligence is inherent and universal among humans. However, access to information and knowledge, which were previously limited, is now widespread. Today, individuals from diverse backgrounds, from the President of the United States to street vendors in India, have access to the same information.
It's time to throw away our bias from our past and unlearn to live without unnecessary information overload.
How about time with the hills, the mountains, the clouds, the wind, the rain, and the river?
AI is an existence gift through human intelligence, allowing us to go into a state of no mind and be on the lap of the universe.
Neti Neti. Buddha says, "neither this nor that," but the state of nothingness.