Good Karmaseparator

Numbers don’t LIE!

Numbers don’t LIE!

by Muki Regunathan

Numbers  don’t LIE!

The days when Subject Matter Experts (SME) insights were considered unquestionable are long gone.

As humans, we tend to get stuck with our limited knowledge; without continuous updates to the latest tools, technology, trends, and people's needs, our perspectives become biased and fail to align with our customers' real challenges and requirements.

Successful business leadership requires the courage to challenge the team. When the team responses do not meet your expectations, the power of data can reveal surprising revelations.

Great companies are built on doubting everything until it becomes a question and questioning everything until it becomes science. Science, like data, is universal; it is the same for you and me, making us part of a larger, objective system called "Only Results Matter."

The trust deficit is at an all-time high. We are bombarded with WhatsApp university graduates, who are plaguing the world with information focused on getting Likes. Enlightened business leaders are only convinced if proven with data, numbers, and credible sources.

Ultimately, business is about results, and results are achieved only with numbers. Numbers don't lie and are the key to driving the urgency and necessity of data-driven decision-making.

It is time to convert information into data and data into numbers. When done, the result is a pure, unadulterated product, much like feeding carrots into the Norwalk slow-press juicer. This produces nutritionally dense and enzyme-rich cold-pressed juice, a true gift from nature to your body.

The "Dark Tunnel" technology?